EDPD 5127 Writing Across the Curriculum K-12

A major emphasis has been placed upon measurement and accountability as foundational elements of the current education system. Today's summative assessments not only require students to demonstrate proficiency in writing, but also require them to know how to write effectively so that they may be successful in the future. Furthermore, teachers are being held accountable for ensuring that their students are able to write competently for a variety of purposes. Some teachers, however, believe that this is yet another additional, arduous task that puts a strain on their already overtaxed curricula. This course will provide participants with an understanding of the various aspects of writing, the establishment of a common language for teaching and assessing student writing, and a practical prescription for effectively teaching the tools of self-assessment. Writing is not solely the responsibility of K-6 or English Language Arts educators. Rather, it is the responsibility of all educators including those in the upper-level grades. Writing should be an integral part of all instruction, no matter the content area. This course will provide participants with strategies and skills to be more effective teachers of writing.
