CSCH 3015 Drawing in Museums

This course is a museum drawing course. Classes will meet at various venues where students will select (or in some cases, be assigned) a work or architectural feature to sketch using proper drawing technique. The instructor will give on-site lessons in technique and terminology as the course progresses and will also direct discussions on the pieces or features to be considered at each meeting. Moreover, students will select and sketch their pieces with an eye towards the concept of transformationality, that is, how artists working in non-moving media are able to explore and convey the universal notion of the process of change and becoming. Sites will include, but not be limited to, traditional museums, gardens, places of worship, as well as outdoor locations where the architecture of the cityscape can be observed and drawn. In this way, students will be able to consider this idea of transformation as it manifests itself in the various dimensions of the human experience - biologically, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and even spiritually. The student's goal will be to produce a portfolio of museum sketches as well as to prepare a paper and give an in-class presentation at the end of the course discussing the ways that artists are able to portray metamorphosis in their work and the various treatments that change is given. Students need not have prior experience or training in Studio Art.
