LMGT 1319 Introduction to Business Logistics

This course is designed to cover pertinent topics to assist in the preparation for the Custom Broker Exam. This course covers the basic and advanced topics for the Custom Broker Exam. The Custom Broker course will cover the following topics: Broker Compliance, to include general provisions, entry of merchandise and record keeping. Classification to include the general rules of interpretation, general notes, and the classification process. Free Trade Agreements to include special trade programs, rules of origin and NAFTA. Valuation to include methods of valuation and special transactions and topics. Entry Types and Alternatives to include transportation in bond, carnets, warehouse entries and foreign trade zones. Post Entry & FP&F to include liquidation, fines and penalties, protests and drawbacks. General Provisions to include special classes of merchandise, customs warehouses, bonds and country of origin. Supplemental Materials to include c-tpat for brokers, bond amounts, entry acceptance and rejection.

(Pending approval from THECB) 

Semester Hours


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours