Course Numbers

Laredo College courses are numbered according to the format of the Texas Common Course Numbering System. Over 100 Texas colleges and universities belong to the System. This numbering system was developed for the purpose of facilitating the transfer of general academic courses. General academic courses are indicated by a ten-digit Coordinating Board (CB) number in the course description section of the catalog.

A four-letter prefix, as specified in the Guidelines of the Texas Common Course Numbering System, is used to identify the subject area. (Example: ENGL is English).

A four-digit number follows the prefix (Example: ENGL 1301).

The first digit specifies the level of the course: 0 is developmental, 1 is freshman, and 2 is sophomore.

The second digit identifies the credit-hour value of the course. (Example: ENGL 1301 is three hours.)

The third and fourth digits establish the course sequence. (Example: ENGL 1301, 1302).

All course descriptions (academic and technical) include a three-digit code in parenthesis following the number and title. The first digit in the series designates the semester hour value of the course; the second digit specifies the number of lecture hours the course meets per week; and the last digit indicates the number of laboratory hours per week.