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2017-2018 Catalog
Course Descriptions
KINE 1131, 2131
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Course Descriptions
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Department of Instruction and Course Abbreviation
ABDR - Automotive Collision Repair Technology
ACCT - Accounting
ACNT - Applied Accounting (005821)
ARCE - Computer Drafting and Design Technology
ARTS - Visual Arts
ARTV - Computer Information Systems
AUMT - Automotive Technology
BASE - English
BCIS - Computer Information Systems
BIOL - Biology
BIOM - Computer Electronics (008824)
BMGT - Management (005426)
BUSG - Management (005426)
BUSI - Business Administration
CDEC - Child Development (CDEC 005222, TECA & EDUC)
CETT - Computer Electronics (008824)
CHEF - Culinary Arts
CHEM - Chemistry
CJLE - Criminal Justice (07021)
CJSA - Criminal Justice (07021)
COMM - Communication
COSC - Computer Information Systems
CPMT - Computer Electronics (008824)
CRIJ - Criminal Justice (07021)
CTMT - Computed Tomography
CVOP - History
DANC - Dance
DEMR - Automotive Technology
DFTG - Computer Drafting and Design Technology
DRAM - Drama
ECON - Economics
ECRD - Emergency Medical Services Paramedic (008040)
EDUC - Education
EECT - Computer Electronics (008824)
EEIR - Computer Electronics (008824)
ELPT - Electrical Technology (008822)
ELTN - Electrical Technology (008822)
EMSP - Emergency Medical Services Paramedic (008040)
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
EPCT - History
ESOL - English Speakers of Other Languages
FDNS - Culinary Arts
FIRT - Fire Protection and Safety Technology
FREN - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GISC - Computer Drafting and Design Technology
GOVT - Government
HAMG - Culinary Arts
HART - Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
HIST - History
HITT - Health Information Technology
HPRS - Health Professions
HRPO - Management (005426)
IBUS - History
IFWA - Culinary Arts
IMED - Computer Information Systems
INRW - English
ITCC - Computer Information Systems
ITNW - Computer Information Systems
ITSC - Computer Information Systems
ITSE - Computer Information Systems
ITSY - Computer Information Systems
KINE 1101
KINE 1103
KINE 1104
KINE 1105
KINE 1106, 1107
KINE 1108, 2108
KINE 1109
KINE 1110, 2110
KINE 1111
KINE 1112
KINE 1113, 1114
KINE 1115
KINE 1116
KINE 1117
KINE 1118, 1119
KINE 1120
KINE 1121, 1122
KINE 1123
KINE 1124
KINE 1125, 1126
KINE 1127, 1128
KINE 1129, 2129
KINE 1130, 2130
KINE 1131, 2131
KINE 1132
KINE 1133
KINE 1135, 1136
KINE 1137, 1138
KINE 1139
KINE 1140
KINE 1141
KINE 1142
KINE 1143, 1144
KINE 1145, 2145
KINE 1146, 2146
KINE 1147, 1148
KINE 1149
KINE 1150
KINE 1164
KINE 1238
KINE 1301
KINE 1304
KINE 1306
KINE 1308
KINE 1321
KINE 1331
KINE 1338
KINE 1346
LMGT - Logistics
LOTT - Computer Electronics (008824)
MAIR - Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
MATH - Mathematics
MDCA - Medical Assistant (008026)
MRKG - Management (005426)
MUAP - Applied Music Courses
MUEN - Music
MUSI - Music
NURA - Nursing Assistant Aide
OSHT - History
OTHA - Occupational Therapy Assistant (008030)
PHIL - Philosophy and Logic
PHRA - Pharmacy
PHYS - Physics
PLAB - Phlebotomy
POFI - Applied Accounting (005821)
PSTR - Culinary Arts
PSYC - Psychology
PTHA - Physical Therapist Assistant (008032)
PTRT - Oil and Gas Industry Specialization
RADR - Radiologic Technology (008033)
RBPT - Electrical Technology (008822)
READ - Reading
RNSG - Nursing ADN (008021)
RSTO - Culinary Arts
SGNL - Sign Language
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
SRVY - Computer Drafting and Design Technology
STSC - Student Success
TECA - Child Development (CDEC 005222, TECA & EDUC)
VNSG - Vocational Nursing WECM Curriculum
WLDG - Welding
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KINE 1131, 2131
Aerobics I, II
Instruction and practice in a variety of activities including aerobic dance, to enhance fitness of the heart, lungs, and vascular system.
Semester Hours
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
ENGL 0375
READ 0375
CB Number
CB 3601085123