2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Nancy Thompson Learning Commons

Contact Information

Phone: (908) 737-4629

Email: learningcommons@kean.edu

Website: Learningcommons.kean.edu


Tutoring services are offered in a wide range of undergraduate courses and focus on areas where students most often experience difficulty, including foundational level through advanced courses. Tutorial activity is adapted to course content and objectives and is an extension of classroom instruction. Our college tutoring program offers personalized academic support through a peer-to-peer learning approach. Peer content experts provide relatable and accessible guidance. Tutors offer empathetic assistance based on shared academic experiences. Through one-on-one sessions or group workshops, students can tackle challenges with confidence, knowing they have peers who understand and can provide tailored advice. The tutoring program fosters a supportive community where students empower each other to excel academically.

Tutoring Goals:

  • Subject Mastery: Assist students in achieving a thorough understanding of course material and concepts in various subjects.

  • Problem-Solving Skills: Develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through guided practice and explanations.

  • Study Strategies: Teach effective study techniques and time management skills to help students optimize their learning and academic performance.

  • Confidence Building: Build students' confidence in their academic abilities by providing encouragement, positive reinforcement, and opportunities for success.

  • Individualized Support: Provide personalized support tailored to each student's learning style, pace, and specific areas of difficulty.

  • Preparation for Exams: Prepare students for exams by reviewing key concepts, practicing sample questions, and improving test-taking strategies.

  • Feedback and Reflection: Offer constructive feedback on students' progress and performance, encouraging self-reflection and continuous improvement.

  • Communication Skills: Enhance students' communication skills, both verbal and written, to effectively articulate their ideas and concepts.

  • Resource Utilization: Familiarize students with additional resources and academic support services available to them, such as textbooks, online resources, and peer tutoring.

  • Lifelong Learning: Instill a passion for learning and curiosity in students, encouraging them to seek knowledge and pursue academic excellence beyond the tutoring sessions.

To make a tutoring appointment, please click tutoring.kean.edu


The Writing Center provides students with the opportunity to cultivate lasting proficiency in written communication. During writing sessions, tutors actively collaborate with students to analyze their writing processes through one-on-one sessions with trained writing coaches. These coaches provide students with objective and constructive feedback on their writing projects at any stage of development. Whether students seek assistance with brainstorming, drafting, or revising, our program aims to empower them with the skills and confidence needed to excel in written communication.

The Writing Center Goals:

  • Writing Proficiency: Assist students in improving their writing skills across various genres and disciplines to enhance their overall academic performance.

  • Feedback and Revision: Provide constructive feedback on students' writing projects at all stages of development, encouraging revision and refinement.

  • Critical Thinking: Promote critical thinking skills through analyzing and synthesizing complex ideas, arguments, and evidence within written work.

  • Clarity and Coherence: Help students enhance the clarity, coherence, and organization of their writing to effectively communicate their ideas.

  • Grammar and Mechanics: Support students in mastering grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure to ensure clarity and professionalism in their writing.

  • Research and Citation: Assist students in conducting effective research, integrating sources, and citing them accurately according to academic conventions.

  • Genre Awareness: Foster awareness of different writing genres and styles, guiding students in adapting their writing to meet the expectations of specific audiences and contexts.

  • Confidence Building: Empower students to express themselves confidently through writing, cultivating a sense of self-assurance in their communication abilities.

  • Cultural Competence: Provide inclusive and culturally responsive feedback that respects and values diverse perspectives and experiences within students' writing.

  • Lifelong Writing Skills: Equip students with the writing skills and strategies necessary for success beyond their academic endeavors, supporting their lifelong learning and professional development.

To make an appointment at The Writing Center, please click tutoring.kean.edu

Public Speaking

Public speaking services utilize cutting-edge Virtual Reality (VR) technology to provide immersive practice scenarios for interviews, presentations, and speeches. Through realistic simulations, students can refine their communication skills in a safe environment that replicates real-life speaking engagements.

Through peer -to-peer or small group sessions, this service offers personalized guidance and feedback to help students engage and captivate audiences while perfecting their speech delivery techniques. Whether preparing for academic presentations, professional pitches, or public speaking events, our dynamic resource equips individuals with the tools to excel.

Public Speaking Goals:

  • Confidence Building: Build students' confidence in their public speaking abilities through practice, feedback, and encouragement.

  • Effective Communication: Help students develop clear, concise, and persuasive communication skills to engage and captivate audiences.

  • Articulation and Pronunciation: Improve students' articulation and pronunciation to ensure clarity and understanding during presentations.

  • Body Language and Nonverbal Communication: Teach students how to use body language effectively to enhance their message and connect with their audience.

  • Overcoming Nervousness: Provide strategies and techniques to help students manage nervousness and anxiety when speaking in public.

  • Organization and Structure: Assist students in organizing their speeches in a logical and coherent manner to effectively convey their message.

  • Audience Analysis: Teach students how to analyze their audience and tailor their message to meet the needs and interests of different listeners.

  • Visual Aids and Presentation Tools: Familiarize students with the use of visual aids and presentation tools to enhance the effectiveness of their speeches.

  • Handling Q&A Sessions: Prepare students to confidently respond to questions and engage in discussions following their presentations.

  • Professional Development: Equip students with the public speaking skills necessary for academic, professional, and personal success in various contexts and settings.

To make a public speaking appointment, please click tutoring.kean.edu

Academic Coaching

The Academic Coaching program at Kean University strives to empower every student, embracing the diverse learning styles present within our community. Understanding the individual nature of learning, our Academic Coaches tailor their approaches to ensure targeted, effective, and engaging support. Collaborating closely with students, faculty, and university staff, Academic Coaches develop personalized educational plans that address specific needs and capitalize on existing strengths. Our program is committed to fostering a supportive environment where all learners can thrive, regardless of their background or learning preferences.

Academic Coaching Goals:

  • Empowerment: Academic Coaching aims to empower students to take control of their learning journey, fostering a sense of self-efficacy and confidence.

  • Personalized Support: Provide individualized support tailored to each student's unique learning style, needs, and goals.

  • Skill Development: Assist students in developing essential academic skills such as time management, study strategies, note-taking, and critical thinking.

  • Goal Setting: Collaborate with students to set realistic and achievable academic goals, helping them to stay focused and motivated.

  • Resource Utilization: Guide students in utilizing available resources and support services on campus effectively, maximizing their academic success.

  • Progress Monitoring: Regularly assess students' progress and academic performance, adjusting coaching strategies as needed to ensure continual improvement.

  • Enhanced Learning Strategies: Introduce students to various learning strategies and techniques to enhance comprehension, retention, and application of course material.

  • Accountability: Hold students accountable for their academic responsibilities and commitments, encouraging ownership of their learning outcomes.

  • Lifelong Learning: Instill a growth mindset and a love for learning, equipping students with the tools and mindset needed for lifelong academic success.

  • Holistic Development: Support students not only academically but also in their personal growth, well-being, and overall success as they navigate their educational journey.

To make an academic coaching appointment, please click tutoring.kean.edu

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a peer-supported form of academic assistance which aims to help students find success in historically difficult subjects. SI sessions are collaborative in nature and are conducted by SI leaders- students who have previously done well in courses that are supported by SI and who attend all class lectures, take notes, work closely with faculty, and host several SI sessions throughout the week. During SI sessions, students have the opportunity to connect with peers as they work on practice problems, review course content, and learn how to cultivate excellent study skills. Supplemental Instruction currently offers academic support to students enrolled in courses in the following subject areas:

  • Accounting
  • Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Math
  • Computer Science
  • Introduction to Academic Reading

To make an SI session appointment, please click tutoring.kean.edu