2020-2021 Graduate Catalog


The foundational course in anatomy includes a lecture/team-based learning component with an integrated cadaver laboratory experience. A regional approach to human anatomy is used to provide a comprehensive overview of the anterior and posterior thorax, upper and lower extremities, abdomen, pelvis, neck, head and central nervous systems. The relationship between structure and function will be explored as well as the interrelation of these structures and organ systems. This course provides the basis for an understanding of effects of disease and a clinical correlation to pathology and disease presentation. The laboratory portion of this course is combined with the lecture/team-based learning components and is integrated with the lecture/team-based learning content and involves hands-on regional cadaveric dissection under the direction of course instructors. An emphasis on clinical application of basic anatomical structures will include normal, abnormal and pathologic findings. Matriculation into the Physician Assistant Program required.
