2020-2021 Graduate Catalog


The university has purchased CampusAlert™, a notification system for Campus Crisis Management, and First Responder Communication. It is a secure, notification platform for sharing critical information. The CampusAlert™ system allows for the most flexible means of communicating with our students, faculty and staff. Whether your preference is a text message, email or a phone call, the system supports any of these options or all simultaneously.

Kean University will utilize this system to notify the university community of announcements and/or emergencies.

In order to take advantage of the benefits this service provides; students and faculty must register by following the instructions below.


  1. Go to www.mir3.com/kean
  2. Type in your Kean University e-mail address or other e-mail address
  3. Type in a password that you will easily recall.
  4. Input your name.
  5. Providing your cell phone number and landline telephone number will generate the message to these numbers as well.

Students are encouraged to sign up for this benefit found on Kean’s homepage www.kean.edu

When signing up for Kean Campus Alerts, please make sure to select the Ocean under Campus, or both locations if you are taking classes at both Union and Ocean. Since Kean Ocean emergency closure and notifications follow those of Ocean County College, Kean Ocean students are also encouraged to sign up for VikingAlerts. For more information and instructions for signing up, please visit: http://www.ocean.edu/about-us/emergency-closing/ To sign up for Viking Alerts please visit: www.ocean.sendwordnow.com