2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

Graduate & Part-Time Student Council

Our mission is the service of our constituency, the Graduate and Part-Time Students of Kean University. We will foster the development of a stimulating, interactive environment. Our goal is to enhance the academic, social and cultural experiences of our community, by encouraging the true meaning of diversity on our campuses.

Our representation of our members will employ the assets of Student Government, assisting our members to achieve the finest academic standards and promoting the principles of academic excellence. We will strive to maintain an atmosphere of unencumbered scholarly opinion, debate and learning, while presenting programs, both on and off the campus for your interest and edification at affordable prices.

We will represent the concerns and reservations of our members to the administration, its officers and staff seeking a favorable resolution of those matters as we strive to promote leadership and the development of student leaders. We do this by recognizing that today’s student leaders are tomorrow’s world leaders. We invite you to join our continuing effort.