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College of Business and Public Management

Board of Advisors

Joseph Sheridan, President, Wakefern Corporation

Michael Cooper, Ph. D., Dean, College of Business and Public Management, Kean University

Patricia Barksdale, VP, Merrill Lynch

Mark Benaquista, Managing Director, Thomas Lee Partners

Jerry Bratkovich, Board Member, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Albert Betesh, President, International Trading Co.

Mark Cheng, Principal Consultant, Capital Markets Company

Micahel Chlopak, Managing Director, Citigroup

Sverre Evenson, President, Bankierhuset

Marc Fogarty, Partner, Eisner Amper Accountants

Sandra Ghezzi, CEO, Luminozity

Ralph Giacobbe, Director, Credit Suisse Healthcare

Roy Green, Ph.D. Dean, University of Technology, Business School, Sydney Australia

Larry Hartmann, CEO, ZRG Partners

Dennis Letts, VP of Corporate Security, Avis

Michelle Tillis Lederman, President, Executive Essentials

Lorraine Lopez, Director, Global Enterprise Partnerships, AT&T

Craig Martin, Business Offset Manager, Raytheon

Anthony Marucci, President & CEP, Celldex Therapeutics

Patrick McCarty, President, The McCarty Group

James McGreevey, Former Governor of New Jersey

Alan Richter, Ph.D., President QED Consulting

Raj Shah, MD, CEO TeleMedicine and Heart Care Associates

Derek Smith, Ph.D., Former President of the Economist Group

Nancy Freda Smith, VP of Internal Audit, Ralph Lauren Corporation

Gerard Tischio, VP, Merrill Lynch

John Turner, President and CEO, Corporate Synergies

Geofrey Mills, Ph.D., Associate Dean, CBPM, Kean University

Cao Jiang, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Business Wenzhou Kean University

David Farrokh, Assistant Dean, CBPM, Kean University

Veysel Yucetepe, Ph.D., Executive Director of Graduate Business Programs, Kean University