2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Art and Performance Education Program

Dr. Joseph Amorino

Room: VE-430
Tel: 908-737-4403
Email: jamorino@kean.edu

Graduate Degree Offered:

M.A. Fine Arts Education

Program Options:

The M.A. in Fine Arts Education Program offers three options of advanced study for graduate students:

  • M.A. in Arts Education: K-12 Art Teaching Certification
  • M.A. in Arts Education: Studio
  • M.A. in Arts Education: Supervision Certification

Program Accreditation:

All programs accredited by NASAD (National Association of Schools of Arts and Design)

Program Description: 

The M.A. in Fine Arts Education Program offers three distinct options and each applicant must apply for the particular course that most adequately meets his or her career goals. Applicants may select from the following three options:(a) New Jersey K-12 Teaching Certification in Art, (b) Studio Art (this course of study focuses on advanced development and specialization in the studio arts), or (c) New Jersey Art Supervision Certification. Prospective students are strongly urged to closely examine each option as described above.