2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

International Student Services

Jessica Goldsmith Barzilay, Director

Katsumi Kishida, Managing Assistant Director

Location: CAS-201


website: https//www.kean.edu/offices/international-education

The mission of the office of International Student Services (ISS) is to ensure a smooth transition for students studying abroad. ISS is housed under the Center of International Studies and it provides international students with a wide range of programs and opportunities at Kean. Our students receive information with respect to immigration status, finance, and social interaction before and while at the University. International students and scholars, their dependents, and their sponsors are provided with knowledge and guidance to support their time at Kean. As a result, international students and scholars become important and contributing members of the Kean Community during their stay in the United States.

ISS is structured to assist foreign students and scholars in making successful transitions to Kean University and life in the United States. International students and scholars confront unique requirements, and ISS can help guide and advise visitors through the proper procedures required to remain in good standing with immigration and to maintain their visas. Additionally, ISS provides orientations for all new international students and scholars and helps with registration, practical training, reinstatement procedures, and academic issues. Counselors are available who can offer assistance, advisement and referral to the appropriate on-campus office when necessary.