2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Leave of Absence

Students who must leave the University temporarily either for medical or personal reasons may request a leave of absence. Medical leaves are processed by the Office of Health Services (www.kean.edu/offices/health-services/our-services); or the Counseling Center (www.kean.edu/offices/counseling-center), as appropriate.

Students who request a leave of absence after a semester has begun should do so no later than one week past mid-semester. The ordinary length of a leave of absence is a semester; students requesting a leave of absence for two consecutive semesters will need to reapply for readmission to the University. In unusual circumstances the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs may approve a renewal of leave for the semester immediately following.

Military personnel called for active duty that requires a leave from the University must bring a copy of their activation orders to the staff of Veteran Student Services in the Center for Academic Success (CAS 208) or (GATE 407) for the Office of Veteran Student Services at Kean Ocean. Military service members returning from active duty should contact the Office of Verteran Student Services for readmission.  To return to the University from a preapproved leave of absence, the student should contact the One-Stop Service Center located in the Office of the Registrar (Administration Building 1st floor) to request permission to register for the semester. For Kean Ocean students returning from an approved leave of absence, the student should contact the Kean Ocean Administrative Offices, GATE 103 to request permission to register for the semester.

The above provisions apply to full-time and part-time students in good standing. Good standing is defined as follows: a cumulative grade point average at the completion of the semester prior to request for leave of absence that meets the minimum academic requirements of the University (2.0 or better); all financial and other obligations to the University have been met in full; and there is no disciplinary probation/suspension/dismissal in effect.