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Orientation Services

Contact information:

Location: CAS 124


The mission of Orientation and Registration Services is to help equip new students to think critically, creatively, and globally and to adapt to their new Kean University environment. In conjunction with the University’s Transition to Kean course, New Student Orientation is designed to help new students become active members of the Kean community and allow for a smooth transition from high school to college life.

Among the services provided are:

Initial Advisement and Registration of New Freshmen: Prior to enrolling at Kean, each new freshman is invited to attend an initial registration and advisement session. CAS and School of General Studies professional and student staff utilize major curriculum guidesheets and four-year graduation plans, as well as individualized pre-advisement packets and placement test results (if applicable) to advise students and help them prepare their first-semester schedules.

Family Orientation: Presentations for the families of new freshmen at Kean are held concurrently with the initial advisement and registration sessions for the freshmen. Family members are given a general orientation to the University, and provided with information packets, presentations on services available to students and their families, and guidance on transition-to-college issues. Ample time is given to answer any questions the family members may have and to make any necessary referrals to offices on campus.

New Student Orientation: Orientations for all new undergraduate students entering Kean University are conducted prior to each fall and spring semester. A day-long program is mandatory for freshmen. An orientation event for new transfers if also offered. Orientation programs feature welcoming remarks from the President, officers of the University and student leaders and include activities that highlight campus services and opportunities.

As part of the day-long freshman orientation event, nationally-known educational motivators conduct interactive workshops focused on success strategies and transitioning to college life. Additionally, freshmen spend the day with their GE 1000 class along with their instructor and General Education Mentor (G.E.M.) (see School of General Studies for more information about G.E.M.’s).

Orientations for new transfer students include presentations and information sessions focused on academics, student services and transition issues.

Graduate Orientation:  Held by-annually, Graduate New Student Orientation provides an opportunity for newly admitted graduate students to become acquainted with their new campus.  Students are able to connect with their Program Coordinators in order to received advisement, register for classes, and learn about support services available to them.  University administrators will welcome the new class and students will be able to familiarize themselves with classmates and become an official Kean Cougar by getting their student identification card.