ENG 098 Fundamentals of English

(Contact Hours: 2) This course is designed to teach students basic writing conventions such as sentence structure, mechanics, usage, grammar, and punctuation, and reinforces their relationship to writing paragraphs, summaries, and short papers. The Accelerated Matriculation Program (AMP) curriculum, in particular, is designed to support students in the corequisite ENG 110 course. PREREQUISITE: Writing -- SAT: 22, Accuplacer: 76, NextGen Accuplacer: 247, ACT: 15, COMPASS: 50, or ENG 078 or ENG 099 is REQUIRED; Reading -- SAT: 22, Accuplater: 53, NextGen Accuplacer: 248, ACT: 14, COMPASS: 65, or EDU 096 or ENG 099 is REQUIRED.
