ISP 225 Re-Envisioning the U.S.A.
3 hours
The United States is always changing, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, and sometimes not enough. From systemic racial and economic inequality, to immigration, to climate change, to gender and sexuality, to the arts and popular culture, to a broad range of norms and values, the nation can drift slowly or lunge suddenly in more or less constructive directions. Re-Envisioning the U.S.A. is an interdisciplinary exploration of the ways that scholars, political thinkers, idealists, scientists, artists, and ordinary people have and continue to rethink how the United States could be transformed. This course challenges us to reimagine the American experiment and consider strategies to lead us toward a “more perfect union.” Each semester may focus on a different theme.
This course satisfies the Flexible Core: U.S. Experience in its Diversity area of the Gen Ed Program.