2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin

ANT 332 Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Anthropological Perspective

3 hours 

This course considers how anthropologists and other social scientists view the cultural construction of race, ethnicity, class, and gender - the social categories underpinning social stratification and social inequality. These categories, their intersections, and identities built on them have major implications for us as individuals and for our communities. In this course students will engage with theoretical and ethnographic texts in order to gain a deeper understanding of each social category in relation to theories of social construction and intersectionality.  The curriculum will examine the ideologies, practices, performances, and relations between race, ethnicity, class, and gender and the complexity of their socio-cultural dynamics. In this course, students will be asked to apply the analytic tools of anthropology to their lives in order to make sense of their own racialized, ethnic, classed, and gendered identities through auto-ethnographic reflection.




ENG 201, ANT 101