2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin

SEEK Program (Percy Ellis Sutton Search for Education, Elevation and Knowledge Program)

Room 432, Haaren Hall

Monika Son, Director (212.237.8182, mson@jjay.cuny.edu)

SEEK is the higher education opportunity program for CUNY’s senior colleges. The SEEK mission is to increase the level of education, social mobility, and vocational capability in New York City and New York State by providing access to higher education to students who are educationally and economically disadvantaged.

A cornerstone of the SEEK program is the outstanding support services that it offers to students throughout their course of study. The program provides concentrated and specialized counseling, supplemental instruction, tutorial services and financial aid. Students who utilize such assistance can achieve a quality college education and expand their social and career capabilities. Unique to the John Jay SEEK Department is the Education and Justice curriculum EDU 100 and EDU 300. These 3 credit courses meet the College General Education Requirements

Under the provisions of the New York State Education Law, students must meet certain residence, academic and financial criteria for admission to the program. Applicants must be United States citizens, or have permanent residence status, and must be New York State residents for at least one year.

Applicants must be graduates of approved high schools or must hold New York State high school equivalency diplomas, or their equivalent, as determined by the New York State Commissioner of Education. Except for veterans who have earned up to 18 college credits prior to their entry into service, applicants may not have previously attended a college or any other post-secondary educational institution. (Transfer applications are accepted from students who were previously enrolled in EOP and HEOP. College Discovery students may transfer if they meet CUNY opportunity program transfer requirements.)

For purposes of eligibility, students are considered in need of academic support if they have received a general equivalency diploma or do not meet the academic admission requirements established for CUNY senior colleges. Students admitted through the SEEK program are required to pass their CUNY Assessment Tests within their freshman year. Moreover, in order to be admitted as a SEEK student, a candidate must attend SEEK’s Freshman Summer Academy during the entire month of July. Students are eligible for admission to the SEEK Program at John Jay College only if they apply for a major offered at the College.

Financial eligibility is determined by two factors: a correlation between a household’s annual income before taxes and the number of family members that income supports. For additional financial criteria, see the Pell, SEEK, and TAP entries in Chapter 2, Enrollment Management.

Applicants must complete the Special Programs (SEEK and College Discovery) section of the CUNY Freshman Admission Application online at http://www.cuny.edu/apply. The Financial Aid Student Application (FAFSA), must be completed electronically online at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. Students should list all of the CUNY colleges they are considering in step 6 of the FAFSA. Be aware that not all eligible students are accepted to SEEK; therefore, students should submit their applications early to increase their chances of being accepted.

Students who were previously enrolled in another New York State higher education opportunity program such as College Discovery (at CUNY two-year colleges), HEOP (at private colleges), or EOP (at SUNY colleges) are eligible to transfer into SEEK, provided they have remaining semesters of eligibility and meet CUNY opportunity program transfer requirements. Students need to complete a transfer request form at their home colleges. For financial information, contact Ms. Chrissy Pacheco, Financial Aid (212.237.8153, cpacheco@jjay.cuny.edu).