2022-2023 Graduate Bulletin

Complaint Procedures:

a. A University student, employee, organization, department or visitor who believes she/he/it is the victim of a student's misconduct (hereinafter "complainant") may make a charge, accusation, or allegation against a student (hereinafter "respondent") which if proved, may subject the respondent to disciplinary action. Such charge, accusation, or allegation must be communicated to the chief student affairs officer of the college the respondent attends.

b. The chief student affairs officer of the college or her or his designee shall conduct a preliminary investigation in order to determine whether disciplinary charges should be preferred. The chief student affairs officer or her or his designee shall advise the respondent of the allegation against her or him, explain to the respondent and the complainant their rights, consult with other parties who may be involved or who have information regarding the incident, and review other relevant evidence. The preliminary investigation shall be concluded within thirty (30) calendar days of the filing of the complaint, unless: (i) said complaint involves two or more complainants or respondents; or (ii) said complaint involves a matter that is also under investigation by law enforcement authorities. In those cases, the preliminary investigation shall be completed within sixty (60) calendar days. Further, if the matter has been previously investigated pursuant to the CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct, the chief student affairs officer shall dispense with a preliminary investigation and rely on the report completed by the Title IX Coordinator. Following the completion of the preliminary investigation, the chief student affairs officer or designee shall take one of the following actions:

  1. Dismiss the matter if there is no basis for the allegation(s) or the allegation(s) does not warrant disciplinary action. The individuals involved shall be notified that the complaint has been dismissed;
  2. Refer the matter to mediation (except in cases involving allegations of sexual assault, stalking or other forms of sexual violence); or
  3. Prefer formal disciplinary charges.

c. In cases involving the CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct, both the Complainant and Respondent may be accompanied by an advisor of their choice (including an attorney) who may assist and advise throughout the entire process, including all meetings and hearings. Advisors may represent a party and fully participate at a hearing, but may not give testimony as a witness.

d. In the event that a respondent withdraws from the college after a charge, accusation or allegation against a respondent has been made, and the college prefers formal disciplinary charges, the respondent is required to participate in the disciplinary hearing or otherwise to resolve the pending charges and shall be barred from attending any other unit of the university until a decision on the charges is made or the charges are otherwise resolved. Immediately following the respondent's withdrawal, the college must place a notation on her/his transcript that she/he "withdrew with conduct charges pending." If the respondent fails to appear, the college may proceed with the disciplinary hearing in absentia, and any decision and sanction shall be binding, and the transcript notation, if any, resulting from that decision and penalty shall replace the notation referred to above