2021-2022 Graduate Bulletin

Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity, Master of Science

Admission requires a background in computer science with the ability to succeed in graduate computer science, criminal justice and law courses. Computer science or related majors are preferred; however, the minimal computer science background required consists of the following undergraduate courses: two courses in programming, and courses in data structures, algorithms, operating systems, computer networks, statistics, and discrete math. 

Factors favoring admission include: 

  • An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • GRE verbal and math scores above the median
  • A GRE analytical writing score of 4.0 or higher
  • Relevant professional experience. 

All applicants are required to submit a resume. Applicants who hold advanced graduate or professional degrees from an English language based program are advised, but not required, to submit GRE scores. Interested candidates who lack some or all of the computer science prerequisite courses may be admitted to CSIBridge, our Computer Science for Digital Forensics preparatory program. Successful completion of the CSIBridge program leads to seamless transfer into the D4CS master's degree program.