2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin

Academic Skills Requirements

For Entering Freshmen

Students are required to meet minimal standards in three skills areas - reading, writing and mathematics - before enrolling at John Jay College. Students can demonstrate that they meet these skill requirements based on SAT or ACT scores, New York State Regents test scores, or through the CUNY Assessment Tests (CAT). Unless a student is otherwise exempt, the CUNY Assessment Test scores will determine if the student meets the minimum standard. Students who do not pass the CAT tests may be eligible for additional preparation through the Student Academic Success Program (SASP) Summer Academy, and will have the opportunity to be retested during or after completing the program.

CUNY Assessment Test Exemptions

All students must take the CUNY Assessment Test in mathematics. This examination is used for placement purposes for students who are otherwise exempt. Entering freshman and transfer students are exempted from the CUNY Assessment Test in Mathematics with an SAT Math score of 500 or higher; an ACT Math score of 21 or higher; or by New York State Regents mathematics scores as outlined on the CUNY website, http://www.cuny.edu. Entering freshman and transfer students are exempted from the CUNY Assessment Tests in Reading and Writing with an SAT verbal score of 480 or higher, a New York State Regents English score of 75 or higher, or an ACT English score of 20 or higher.

Both freshman and transfer students may also be exempt with a 3-credit, college-level English course and/or mathematics course or its equivalent with an earned grade of C or better from an accredited college or university.

Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree and are pursuing a second degree are not required to take the CUNY Assessment Tests. However, students from international institutions may be required by the College to take the tests upon entry in order to help the College determine their placement in mathematics or language skills courses. For further information on the CUNY Assessment Tests, call 212.237.8108 or email testing@jjay.cuny.edu.