2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin

Notice of Hearing and Charges:

  1. Notice of the charge(s) and of the time and place of the hearing shall be personally delivered or sent by the chief student affairs officer of the college to the student at the address appearing on the records of the college, by certified or overnight mail and by regular mail, and e-mail to students who have a college e-mail address. The chief student affairs officer is also encouraged to send the notice of charges to any other e-mail address that he or she may have for the student. The hearing shall be scheduled within a reasonable time following the filing of the charges or the mediation conference. Notice of at least five (5) business days shall be given to the student in advance of the hearing unless the student consents to an earlier hearing.
  2. The notice shall contain the following:
    1. A complete and itemized statement of the charge(s) being brought against the student including the rule, bylaw or regulation he/she is charged with violating, and the possible penalties for such violation.
    2. A statement that the student has the following rights:
      1. to present his/her side of the story;
      2. to present witnesses and evidence on his/her behalf;
      3. to cross-examine witnesses presenting evidence against the student;
      4. to remain silent without assumption of guilt; and
      5. to be represented by legal counsel or an advisor at the student’s expense.
    1. A warning that anything the student says may be used against him/her at a non-college hearing.