2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin

HON 182 Honors Colloquium 2

1 hour

The Honors Colloquium 2 is the second half of the year-long colloquium course requirement for new students in the Honors Program and the Macaulay Honors College at John Jay College. With an emphasis on experiential learning, this course continues to expand students’ understanding of the central theme of John Jay’s Honors Program: the common good. Hon-182 continues to rely on the three interrelated pillars of emphasis of the preceding colloquium course (Hon-181): completion of a group service project, critical analysis of varying perspectives on the pursuit of the common good, and personal wellness and professional development. Students will write analysis and reflection papers on justice issues using scholarly sources. They will also work in groups to complete a service project and present the results of this project to the entire class, providing an intellectual exploration of the themes of justice, service, and common good in their project. Students will also continue the development of the portfolio showcasing their academic work and explaining its commitment to the common good.




HON 181


This class is graded on a Credit/No Credit basis.

This course is restricted to students in the John Jay Honors Program or Macaulay Honors College at John Jay.