2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

III. The College Option

A. Justice and the Individual (100-level)

Describe your own relationship to significant issues of justice.

Identify problems and propose solutions through evidence-based inquiry.

Assess the effectiveness of your own role in collaborations with people of diverse background.

B. Struggles for Justice and Equality in the U.S. (300-level)

Develop an understanding of the social, political, economic, and cultural contexts of the struggles for justice in the United States.

Analyze how struggles for justice have shaped U.S. society and culture.

Differentiate multiple perspectives on the same subject.

C. Justice in Global Perspective (300-level)

Develop an understanding of the social, political, economic, and cultural contexts of the struggles for justice throughout the world.

Analyze how struggles for justice have shaped societies and cultures throughout the world.

Differentiate multiple perspectives on the same subject.

D. Learning from the Past

Demonstrate knowledge of formative events, ideas or works in the arts, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences or social sciences.

Analyze the significance of major developments in U.S. and World History.

Differentiate multiple perspectives on the same subject.

E. Communications

Express yourself clearly in one or more forms of communication, such as written, oral, visual, or aesthetic.

Maintain self-awareness and critical distance.

Work collaboratively.

Listen, observe, analyze, and adapt messages in a variety of situations, cultural contexts, and target audiences in a diverse society.