2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

Corrections Minor

Description. The Corrections minor exposes students to important concepts in corrections and promotes an understanding of the correctional environment. Minor courses also introduce students to all aspects of careers in corrections. Additionally, the minor aims to equip students with a better understanding of current social problems.

The Corrections minor combines a focus on classical theories of penology with developing ideas and approaches, as well as with contemporary strategies for dealing with offenders after they have been convicted and while awaiting trial. Emphasis is placed on helping students to become critical thinkers in general and about corrections in particular. A primary goal of the minor is to help students focus on the end process of the criminal justice system by helping them understand the nature and consequences of processing offenders through the system. Students will be exposed to such important topics as incarceration, community supervision, treatment of offenders, rehabilitation and the reintegration process.

Rationale. The minor provides a solid preparation for graduate work in the field of criminal justice, public administration, policy making in civil service and the social sciences in general. As can be seen from the corrections courses offered, the program provides a solid understanding of theory and research related to corrections as well as criminal justice. The curriculum emphasizes the development of analytical and research skills that prepare students to effectively meet everyday challenges in the criminal justice system and in corrections. Coursework is designed to integrate theory with practice, while using critical approaches to discuss competing strategies in correction practice.

Credits required. 18

Minor coordinator. Students who wish to pursue a minor in Corrections should consult with Professor Lior Gideon, Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration (212.237.8991, lgideon@jjay.cuny.edu) as early as possible to plan their course of study.

Requirements. The minor requires 18 credits (six courses) in corrections courses (those with the COR course prefix). A maximum of two courses can overlap with a student’s major, other minors or programs.

In order to make the best out of the minor while complying with its above stated mission, it is suggested that students seeking to minor in Corrections take the courses below in the order in which they are listed. Each course is 3 credits.


COR 101Introduction to Corrections


COR 201The Law and Institutional Treatment


COR 282Principles of Correctional Operations


Any 300-level Corrections Course

COR 401Evaluating Correctional Methods and Programs


Any Elective Corrections Course at the 300- or 400-level

Any 300-level Corrections Course: e.g. COR 320 or COR 303.

Total Credit Hours: 18