2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

Program Pursuit

Program Pursuit requires all students to complete a certain number of courses each semester. A course is considered completed when a grade of A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, C, C–, D+, D, D–, P (Passing) or F (Failing), is awarded at the end of the semester. Grades of W (Withdrawal), WU (Unofficial Withdrawal), WA (Administrative Withdrawal), WN (Withdrawal – Did not attend), FIN (Incomplete Changed to F) or INC (Incomplete) indicate that a course has not been completed.

Students enrolled for their first semester at the College must be enrolled for at least 3 credits and 12 equated hours to qualify for TAP. During their second semester at the College students must be enrolled for at least 6 credits and 12 equated hours to qualify for TAP. Students who are receiving a first- or second-semester TAP award must complete at least 50 percent (6 credits or the equivalent) of a full-time load in order to receive a TAP award for the next semester. Students who are receiving a third- or fourth-semester award must complete at least 75 percent (9 credits or the equivalent) of a full-time load in order to receive a TAP award for the following semester. Students who are receiving a fifth through eighth payment must complete a full-time load (12 credits or the equivalent) in order to receive the next TAP payment.

Please note: Students who have received four semesters of TAP awards as undergraduates must complete a minimum of 12 credits per semester in order to be eligible for the next TAP award.) Before withdrawing from any course, students should see a financial aid counselor in order to learn what effect the withdrawal will have on the next TAP award.