2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

Course Prerequisites

Students must first fulfill the prerequisites specified for any course before they may register for it. The prerequisites required as preparation for coursework at a more advanced level are included in Chapter 6, Courses Offered, of this bulletin.

Please Note : ENG 101 is a prerequisite for all courses at the 200-level while ENG 201 is a prerequisite for all courses at the 300-level or above.

Permission to register for a course without first fulfilling its prerequisite(s) may be granted only when a course description specifies that permission of the section instructor may be granted for that purpose. In the absence of the section instructor, the chairperson of the department (or designee) may authorize the prerequisite waiver. Prerequisites may be waived only if, in the judgment of the section instructor (or the chairperson of the department or the latter’s designee), the student is academically prepared for the more advanced course. The English prerequisites may only be waived by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

If a course is required in a major or is part of the College’s general education requirements, the student must take the course even if it was waived as a prerequisite for a particular course.