Incomplete Grade Policy

When serious illness or emergency prevents a student from completing the work for a course, instructors may allow additional time to finish assignments. Incompletes are not substitutes for failure to attend classes or to complete assigned work. Forms can be found on the Registrar Office website.


  1. The student must file an application for an incomplete grade with the registrar’s office no later than the last day of classes.

  2. An incomplete may not be granted unless a student has completed at least half of the work for the course.

  3. The student’s progress in the course must be passing (D- or above) at the time the incomplete is requested.

  4. After the necessary paperwork and approvals are provided, the registrar's office will record the notation of an incomplete via an INC final grade on the student's permanent record. After the instructor assigns a grade, an “I” remains permanently on the record with the final grade earned beside it.

  5. The date agreed upon for completion of all assignments may not be later than March 15 for the fall semester, August 15 for winter and spring semesters, and October 15 for summer terms. Any request for extension of an incomplete grade must be submitted by the student, or by the faculty member and approved by the student, to the registrar's office in writing and sent to

  6. Work not completed by the deadlines stated above will convert to a grade of zero unless an extension is approved.