PSY 300 Cognitive Psychology

Prerequisites: PSY 101 and junior standing. Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of the mind. Our mind creates and controls mental functions, such as memory, perception, attention, language, emotions, and reasoning. Our mind also creates representations of our world so that we can act within it to achieve our goals. This course will look at all these interesting areas of study.




Fall Semester

PSY 301 Human Memory

Prerequisites: PSY 101 and junior standing. A review of the current theories, methods, and research in human memory, including working memory, encoding and retrieval, implicit and multiple memory systems, memory disorders, memory improvement, and the repressed memory controversy.




Spring Semester

PSY 302 Psychology and Law

Prerequisite: PSY 101 and junior standing or permission of the instructor. A study of psychological theory and empirical research as it relates to the law. Topics include eyewitness memory, repressed and false memories, interrogations and confessions, jury decision-making, criminal responsibility and intent, competence, rehabilitation and ethical and legal responsibilities in therapy and psychological research.




Fall Semester

PSY 312 Research Methods I

Prerequisites: PSY 101 or its equivalent and PSY 211 (C- minimum grade). This integrated lecture and lab survey course exposes students to a variety of research methods, including correlational, quasi-experimental, experimental, single-case, and qualitative designs. Students collectively create and administer a survey as well as individually code, analyze, and interpret the data collected from it. PsydNFO and APA writing style tutorials provided.




Fall Semester

PSY 315 Research Methods II

Prerequisites: PSY 312 (C- minimum grade). This integrated lecture and lab course exposes students to more advanced experimental research designs, including simple and factorial between participant, within participant, and mixed designs. Each student conducts his/her own experiment, reviewing the research literature, collecting and analyzing data from a minimum of 60 participants, writing a manuscript, and presenting a poster to the college community.




Spring Semester

PSY 319 Drugs & Behavior

Prerequisite: PSY 101 or permission of the instructor. Examines the major classes of drugs that affect behavior, including drugs of abuse and drugs used in the treatment of mental disorders. The course includes exploration of the historical background of drugs and drug use, as well as social context.




Fall Semester

PSY 335 Teaching Assistantship in Psychology

Prerequisites: Completion of PSY 101, 12 credits of psychology and the course for which the student will serve as a teaching assistant, and permission of the instructor.  A teaching practicum in PSY 101 for advanced psychology majors. Regularly scheduled hours will include meeting with course instructor regarding teaching experiences, methods, and issues, administration of quizzes/tests, tutoring, and guest lecturing. Relevant reading and a paper will be required. Grading is on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.


1.0 - 3.0


Either Semester

PSY 370 Seminar in Contemporary Issues

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department. The study of selected issues and/or social problems that are of interest to psychologists. Each issue will be examined from the various perspectives of specialists within the discipline. Students will participate through readings in primary sources, individual reports, discussion and possible field work.




Either Semester

PSY 370A Seminar: Introduction to Counseling

Prerequisite: PSY 101 and junior standing or permission of department. This course provides an overview of counseling theory and practice. Students will learn about professional and ethical issues, history and status of counseling as a profession, major schools of counseling theory and practice, client needs throughout the lifespan, basic counseling and case conceptualization skills, and present and future work settings of counselors.




Both Semesters

PSY 370C Seminar: Death and Dying

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department. This course focuses on how people's conceptions of dying, death, and bereavement have changed over the centuries, as well as on how they are experienced by various cultures, ethnic groups, and religions (including religious traditions surrounding death, cross-cultural mourning practices, and diverse philosophies of the role of death in life).




As needed

PSY 370E Sem: Psychology of Human Sexuality

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department. This course will focus on the psychological, physical, and social aspects of human sexuality, addressing issues such as research methods, female and male anatomy, arousal and response, gender identity and roles, attraction, communication, sexual orientation, conception/pregnancy/childbirth, contraception and abortion, sexuality in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, sexual dysfunctions, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual coercion/violence.





PSY 370H Seminar: Positive Psychology

Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department. The course will provide an introduction to positive psychology. It is designed to explore theories, concepts, research behind the concepts, and exercises that enhance well-being. In the last half-century psychology has largely focused on decreasing maladaptive emotions and behaviors, while ignoring optimal functioning. This course focuses on the psychological aspects of a fulfilling and flourishing life. Topics include happiness, life satisfaction, character strengths, optimism, willpower, empathy, friendship, love, achievement, creativity, mindfulness, and humor.




As needed

PSY 370I Seminar:Psychological Bases of Criminal Behavior

Prerequisite: PSY 101 and junior standing or permission of the instructor. The purpose of the course is to give students an understanding of delinquent and criminal behavior from a psychological perspective–with particular focus on the developmental and cognitive-behavioral aspects of offending. Viewing the juvenile and adult offender as being embedded and continually influenced by multiple systems, it highlights how psychological, social, economic, political and ecological factors all play a role in influencing individual behavior. Assigned readings and the independent research required for engaged participation will utilize and expand on research, communication, and writing skills acquired in other courses.




Fall Semester

PSY 373 Psychology of Aging

Prerequisite: PSY 101 or permission of the instructor. Examination of the psycho-physiological changes that occur with age that have an effect on the individual’s neural structure, biological functioning, cognitive abilities, personality development and social interactions. Considers the special methodological and research design problems of studying aging adults.




Fall Semester

PSY 375 Independent Study in Psychology

Prerequisites: 8 credits in psychology and permission of the instructor. Investigation of a psychological problem or issue according to individual interests.


1.0 - 3.0


Both Semesters and Summer

PSY 397 Special Topics

An upper-level special topics course offered at the discretion of the department. The content and methods vary with the interest of students and faculty members




As needed

PSY 399 Internship

Prerequisites: 16 credits in psychology, a 2.00 cumulative and 2.50 major gpa and permission of the department. Individualized study and work in a cooperating laboratory or professional setting. Provides an opportunity to work with professionals in the field and to participate in research or other activities. Site approval and components of each student’s internship must be approved by the department. Grading is on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.


3.0 - 12.0


Both Semesters and Summer