CRJ 401 Forensic Law

An overview of how forensic science and legal study intersect in justice entities like courts, the Office of the Medical Examiner, police and investigative agencies and other justice functions.   Course will stress the judicial response and oversight as to the use of forensic science in the analysis of physical evidence.  In addition, the course will review how forensic, scientific results play out during crucial facets of justice system processing including investigation, prosecution, and defense of a crime.  Course will emphasize legal case decision and the aligned evidentiary rules regarding admissibility.  Ethical and professional principles regarding scientific evidence will also be covered.


CRJ 407 Internship in Criminal Justice

Course provides an experiential exposure to the various agencies of crime and justice, including but not limited to police and law enforcement, code and enforcement at the regulatory level, correctional and prison facilities, courts and legal agencies, as well as private sector entities dedicated to safety and security.   Students may also enroll in order to conduct agency research on complex questions relating to crime and justice.


CRJ 411 Forensic Accounting

Course provides students with the tools needed to understand the concept of white-collar crime and the skills and techniques needed to prevent, detect and investigate fraud.  It will also assist students in communicating investigative findings in cases of complex financial fraud.



ACC 300, ACC 302

Cross Listed Courses

ACC 411

CRJ 412 Fraud Investigation and Financial Reporting

Educates participants on the phenomenon of fraud, the methodologies of fraud examination, the fraud investigation process, the role of financial statements in capital markets and the nature of financial statement fraud. Course provides an overview of fraud, including reasons as to why and how fraud is committed, how it is fought, and the methods of fraud prevention, detection and investigation. Management fraud is also discussed, and its relationship to financial statement fraud.



ACC 207

Cross Listed Courses

ACC 412

CRJ 434 Thesis in Criminal Justice

The culminating class for all majors in Criminal Justice calls for authorship of an advanced, esoteric and scholarly research product, whether in the form of a traditional research paper, a policy paper or analysis, authorship of an applied handbook or other project for use by practitioners. Capstone expectations are at senior level and with the understanding that the major has successfully mastered the content of the program at its many levels. Citations and sources for authority in the paper or project are mandatory.