HLS - Human Life Studies Course Descriptions

HLS 201 The Culture of Death and the Culture of Life

first explores the deeper historical, philosophical, theological, and political roots of the various issues defining the Culture of Death, both in its ancient and modern form. Then we go into a detailed study of the Culture of Life as initiated by the Church, both at its origin and in answer to the contemporary Culture of Death (paying particular attention to Saint John Paul's II's Evangelium Vitae). Finally, we go into detailed study of specific moral issues such as human trafficking, prostitution, pornography, contraception and gendercide.  There are no prerequisites for this course.



There are no prerequisites for this course.

HLS 202 Life Issues, Marriage, and the Family

Begins by a detailed study of the history of marriage in the West, and the place of the great marriage encyclicals (Arcanum and Casti Connubii) and the Catechism within that context. We then move on to a deeper analysis of the issue of same-sex "marriage", focusing especially on how it was successfully pushed through politically, culturally, and intellectually, and what this means for the relationship of church and state. We end with a focus on the best contemporary arguments and political strategies that would reaffirm heterosexual monogamy against same-sex "marriage."  There are no prerequisites for this course.  



There are no prerequisites for this course.

HLS 301 Life Issues and the Law

Begins with a deep historical, philosophical, and legal account of the transformation in legal philosophy and practice from a Catholic-friendly common law/natural law foundation, to a positive law foundation antithetical to the Church's understanding of the proper foundation of law. This transformation was the necessary precursor to all the bad landmark Supreme Court cases ushering in the culture of death. HLS 301 then treats the landmark Supreme Court cases that helped usher in the Culture of Death, adding to this study of cases at least two in-depth books that treat the larger historical-political context of the chosen cases.  There are no prerequisites for this course.



There are no prerequisites for this course.


treats in depth a particular area or subject within domain of human life studies.  This course provides a more extensive examination of one or more of the areas introduced in the other HLS courses.  This course may be repeated for credit if the topic is different from when previously taken.  Prerequisites:  Varies according to topic; students should check with the HLS Program Director.

HLS 403 Research-Practicum

Each student will have two tasks to complete for the Thesis-Practicum. The first task is to write a kind of capstone paper of 20 pages for the HLS minor that (a) shows the student's in-depth knowledge of one of the issues treated in HLS, and (b) offers a detailed real-life plan for how the student is going to impact this issue in his or her chosen field of work or future study. This paper will be based on a paper that students are required to write for HLS 201. The second task is to work with Franciscan University's Career Services Office on a one-to-one basis, meeting perhaps once a week, to apply to jobs and/or graduate programs so that the student can make the next necessary, practical step in impacting the culture.  



Students must have completed all required courses for the HLS Minor (or be completing those requirements during the Spring semester of their senior year).

HLS 407 Human Life Studies: Internship

Allows the student the opportunity to acquire practical skills and experience in the pro-life/pro-family apostolate through a practicum and by serving with a pro-life/pro-family organization supportive of the mission of Catholic Church and the natural law as approved by the HLS Program Director. This course may be repeated for up to 6 hours of credit.



HLS minors who have completed HLS 201 or HLS 202 or HLS 301 or permission of the HLS Program Director