Article VI: Appeals

Article VI: Appeals

6.1. A decision reached, or a sanction imposed by a Discipline Board or Discipline Advisor may be appealed by respondents or complainants to the vice president of finance, or to such person or persons (such as the vice president of Student Life) whom he may designate to act in his stead. Such appeals shall be in writing and must be made to the office of the vice president of Student Life within two days (48 hours) of notice of the Board’s determination and sanctions. For infractions not involving potential suspension or dismissal, written appeals may be submitted within two days to the assistant vice president of Student Life or the vice president of Student Life. The decision of the dean of students or the vice president of Student Life on these appeals is final.

6.2. A student adjudicated in absentia forfeits all rights to an appeal process unless it is proven that it is for lack of proper notice.
6.3.  The appeal must specify grounds that would justify consideration. General dissatisfaction with the outcome of the student conduct proceeding or an appeal for mercy are not appropriate grounds for appeal. The written appeal must specifically address at least one of the following criteria:
a. The hearing was not conducted in conformity with procedures prescribed by the University giving the complaining party a reasonable opportunity to prepare and present information that the student code was violated, and giving the responding student a reasonable opportunity to prepare and present a rebuttal of those allegations.

b. The sanction(s) imposed was not reasonable for the violation(s) of the student code that the student was found to have committed.

c. There is new information, sufficient to alter a decision or other relevant information not brought out in the original hearing, because such information was not known to the person appealing at the time of the original hearing.
6.4. If an appeal is upheld, the matter shall be remanded to the original Discipline Board and Discipline Advisor for re-opening of the hearing to allow reconsideration of the original determination and/or sanctions.
6.5. Concerning sanctions on appeal, a sanction may be reduced, increased, changed, or left the same (or be remanded to the original discipline advisor) depending on the judgment of the vice president of finance, vice president of Student Life, or their designee.
6.6. The President may, in his sole discretion, review and modify any student code decision, but there is no right of appeal to the President.