THE 600 Philosophy for Theology

The proper task of theology "is to understand the meaning of revelation and this, therefore, requires the utilization of philosophical concepts which provide a solid and correct understanding of man, the world, and God" (The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Donum Veritatis).  This course will introduce the students to the need of a suitable philosophy for theology by examining the relationship and nature of philosophy and theology as "sciences" in the classical sense.  This course examines the teaching of the Church's Magsterium on "perennial philosophy" and investigates a number of the more important fundamental philosophical insights critical for theology.  Topics may include: physical motion, matter, form, privation, substance, accident, being, act, potency, the good, natural law, the end of man, natural knowledge of God, among other matters.  The goal is for the student to attain a genuine philosophical understanding of these realities so that what God has revealed may be understood theologically and scientifically.


THE 606 Dogmatic Theology I: Trinity, Christology, and Soteriology

This course examines the doctrines--and their sources in Scripture and Tradition-- of the Triune God, the Incarnate Word, and His saving deeds.  It will also examine those Marian doctrines inextricably bound to the Incarnation and Redemption.  While the primary focus will be on divine revelation and the teaching of the Church's Magisterium on these sacred mysteries some attention will be devoted to currently unresolved questions in these matters.


THE 607 Dogmatic Theology II: Church, Sacraments

This course examines the doctrines--and their sources in Scripture and Tradition--of the Church with Christ as its founder and head, the Holy Spirit as its soul, and the Blessed Virgin Mary as its model, and of the seven Sacraments.  While the primary focus will be on divine revelation and teaching of the Church's Magisterium on these sacred mysteries some attention will be devoted to currently unresolved questions in these matters. 


THE 608 Dogmatic Theology III: Christian Anthropology, Eschatology, Mariology

This course examines the doctrines--and their sources in Scripture and Tradition--of the human person, sin and grace, the Four Last Things (death, judgement, heaven, and hell), and the Blessed Virgin Mary. While the primary focus will be on divine revelation and teaching of the Church's Magisterium on these sacred mysteries some attention will be devoted to currently unresolved questions in these matters.


THE 611 Interpreting the Old Testament

This course introduces the student to the interpretation of Scripture with specific reference to the Old Testament.  Magisterial teaching on the interpretation of Scripture will be reviewed, as well as a historical review of the development of biblical hermeneutics, touching on Patristic, Medieval, and modern periods. Particular attention will be paid to the development of the historical-critical method as applied to the Old Testament (for example, the Documentary Hypothesis, etc.), evaluating the challenges and possibilities it poses for incorporation into a hermeneutic of faith.  In addition, students will be exposed to the content of revelation in the Old Testament, including an overview of the traditional genre divisions: Pentateuch, Prophets, Psalms/Wisdom, and Historical Books.  


THE 612 Interpreting the New Testament

This course introduces the student to the interpretation of Scripture with specific reference to the New Testament.  Magisterial teaching on the interpretation of Scripture will be reviewed, as well as a historical review of the development of biblical hermeneutics, touching on Patristic, Medieval, and modern periods. Particular attention will be paid to the development of the historical-critical method as applied to the New Testament (for example, various solutions to the Synoptic Problem, etc.), evaluating the challenges and possibilities it poses for incorporation into a hermeneutic of faith.  In addition, students will be exposed to the content of revelation in the New Testament, including an overview of the traditional genre divisions: Synoptics and Acts, Pauline Literature, Johannine Literature, and Catholic Epistles.


THE 613 Church History

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the two-millennium history of the Catholic Church.  The major figures, spiritual movements, and theologies in the history of Christianity will be studied in this course. It will provide a perspective on the origins of the principal aspects of Christian faith, life, and worship; on the sources of division among Christians; and on other important topics essential to the understanding of Christianity.


THE 614 The Church in the Modern World

The turn of the nineteenth century marked a new stage in the engagement of the Church with the modern world and with modern thought, influenced so profoundly in the West by the ‘Enlightenment.’ This course explores various dimensions of this engagement, especially as articulated in the Papal and Conciliar magisterium.  Attention is also given to the emergence of a variety of new Christian movements and spiritualties, and the influence of notable saints of the period, and, where appropriate, to the contributions of some important theologians of the era. The course will seek to follow the engagement as it matures, addressing such topics as developments in economics, science and technology, culture, attitudes to other religions and Christian communities, and changes in the political landscape. Within the overall trajectory of the Church’s dialogue with the modern world, particular attention will be given to the documents of the Second Vatican Council as a high point in this engagement.  Vatican II’s implementation and interpretation, in continuity with Catholic tradition, will be examined as an important key to understanding and guiding Catholic life, thought and action at the dawn of the third millennium. The response of the Church to new developments that have emerged since the Council will also be considered.   


THE 615 Moral Theology

This course explores the fundamental themes of Catholic moral theology, such as Christian discipleship, the human vocation to beatitude, freedom, law, conscience, virtue, sin, the proper understanding of human acts, and moral absolutes, in order to identify the principles of Catholic morality.  The course will focus on the manner in which these principles are rooted in the New Testament teachings on Christian discipleship and are expressed by the magisterium of the Catholic Church and by theologians in union with the magisterium, while also considering current controversies and debates regarding these principles.  The course will also examine how the principles of Catholic morality apply to various perennial and contemporary moral issues.


THE 617 Teachings of Vatican II

The teachings of the Second Vatican Council constitute the contemporary basis for Roman Catholics' understanding of the Church and its renewal. This course examines the history and importance of ecumenical councils, the historical and theological background of the Second Vatican Council, and, most important, the meaning and application of the council's teachings in the Church today.


THE 618 Fundamental Theology

This course examines the rational foundations of the Christian faith and the principles for understanding divine revelation and magisterial teaching.  As such, this course will treat the distinction and relationship between faith and reason; the notion, possibility, and need for divine revelation; the motives of credibility; and the principles for a proper interpretation of Magisterial teaching (including discussion of the “theological notes” or “qualifications”).


THE 619 Biblical Hermeneutics

This course will present the basic principles of the interpretation of the Bible within the Catholic tradition. It will evaluate the strengths and difficulties of biblical criticism as it has developed in recent centuries. Alternate approaches, such as that of the early Christian fathers, will be examined. Differences in biblical interpretation among Christian denominations will be discussed. The Bible will be shown as the foundation of Christian prayer, catechetics, and family and community life.


THE 630 Sin, Conversion, and Evangelization

This course will seek a theological understanding of the basic Gospel call to recognition of sin, repentance, and conversion, and pastoral approaches to enabling men and women to respond to that call today. It will explore the relationship of the Church to the world through application of the theology of evangelization presented by Pope Paul VI and the Second Vatican Council.


THE 631 Church Renewal

This course consists of a study of central issues related to the renewal of the Church and Christian life today. Both the spiritual and institutional dimensions of Church renewal will be discussed. Lessons drawn from the history of renewal and reform in the Church will be applied to present movements, such as Cursillo and charismatic renewal.


THE 632 Theology and Ministry of the Word

This course will discuss how the Christian people are formed by the Word of God as presented in Scripture and Church Teaching. This information is the result of a sound theological understanding of the Word and its effective proclamation through preaching, teaching, prophecy, and catechesis based on the Word of God.


THE 641 Catechesis: Content and Curriculum

This course examines Jesus as the essential content of all catechetical endeavors. It identifies the four pillars of the Deposit of Faith-creed, liturgy and sacraments, Christian moral living, and prayer-as the basis for the Christian life. It discusses the implications of the kerygma on catechesis, i.e., emphasis on insertion into the mystery of Christ. This course considers necessary elements of any catechetical work as explicated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and includes practice in the development of curricula for specific catechetical needs.


THE 645 Pastoral and Spiritual Direction

Offering direction for living the Christian life has been part of the Church's heritage from the beginning. This course will study some of the many approaches to pastoral and spiritual direction in the Church's history, from the time of the early fathers of the Church up to present-day approaches including Catholic covenant communities and third order groups. Both classical and current theological and spiritual literature will be considered, with practical pastoral applications discussed.


THE 650 Christian Liturgy

This is an advanced, graduate-level course examining the theological foundations of Christian liturgy, as well as pastoral approaches to planning and fostering good liturgical celebration. The course will explore the nature of worship, Jewish liturgical tradition and its influence on Christian worship, an historical understanding of Christian liturgy, and the planning of liturgical celebration.


THE 655 Mariology I: Dogma, Doctrine and Devotion

The course will consist of a theological investigation of the doctrines and magisterial teachings concerning the singular role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the providential plan of salvation. This will be followed by examining the relationship between Mary and the Holy Spirit as contained in the writings of the Franciscan martyr St. Maximilian Kolbe. Lastly, there will be a theological and pastoral analysis of the Marian messages from the principal apparitions of Mary in the modern world, with special emphasis on the messages of Lourdes, Fatima, and the present reported apparitions from Medjugorje.


THE 660 Pastoral Issues

This course will focus on a particular topic or area of importance in pastoral theology, or practical pastoral work. Examples of possible topics are: Youth Ministry, Parish Pastoral Ministry, Pastoral Structures (Church Government), and Pastoral Guidance (Spiritual Direction), Church Law and Discipleship.



This course may be taken more than once on different topics.

THE 671 Introduction to Canon Law

This course will examine the nature, history, and function of Latin Church law.  The course will survey select canons of the 1983 Code of Canon Law in light of the documents of the Second Vatican Council and post-conciliar documents.  The topics to be considered will include: general norms; the People of God, including the rights and obligations of the Christian faithful, Church structures, and institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life; the teaching office of the Church; the temporal goods of the Church; and, sanctions in the Church.  N.B.: Due to limitations of time, this course will not address the canonical aspects of the Church's sanctifying office or the applicable procedures for trials.


THE 675 Pastoral Perspectives on Marriage and Family

The course will seek out and discuss pastoral wisdom for marriage and family life from the Catholic tradition and other Christian sources. This would include the teachings on marriage and family from the great teachers of the Catholic tradition, such as St. Augustine and St. John Chrysostom. It will also include contemporary Christian wisdom related to the special situation of Christian families and married couples in the modern world, as well as consideration of the contributions of the social sciences and of modern theology to the development of a sound Christian pastoral approach to marriage and family life today.


THE 678 Sacramental Preparation

This course explores the sacramental life of the Church from the perspective that the hallmark of the adult Catholic life must be liturgical. We will discuss preparation for Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick in regard to their Rites, Canon Law, pastoral practice, and the truths they express. The primary objective is to understand how to prepare people to be fully conscious of what is happening in the sacraments, actively engaged in the rites, and enriched by them.


THE 680 Applied Christian Ministry

Providing a broad overview of ministry positions within the Church, students are taught spirituality skills and methods for ministry using the content of their theology courses. Observations and field experiences as well as peer and practice teaching are included. Preparation and projects are focused on actual placement. This is a suggested course for those not pursuing the Graduate Specialization in Catechetics. This class is not an elective for those pursuing the Graduate Specialization in Catechetics.



It can be taken along with THE 780 and THE 641

THE 681 Catechetical Practicum

Opportunities to participate in supervised catechetical ministries such as the RCIA, parish adult programs, Catholic schools, or parish religious education are available for students to obtain teaching experience. This may be elected twice for different ministries.



THE 691, THE 692, and THE 641

THE 691 Catechetical Methods I

This course introduces organic teaching methods that integrate the academic grasp of Christianity and Christian critical thinking with Christian witness, continuing conversion to Christ, and a call to action in the Church. Practical applications of the principles of evangelization and catechesis are practiced with continuing conversion as the goal. Stages of faith and moral development are studied to facilitate teaching the faith at all levels. Learning styles and models are examined to make them applicable to teaching the faith. Basic communication skills as they apply to the catechetical situation are used.


THE 692 Catechetical Methods II

This course continues the organic teaching method described above and includes the uses of liturgy, prayer, music, and Catholic literature and art in the catechetical endeavor. Examination of the culture to be evangelized and catechized is included. A major 50-minute catechetical presentation is required.



THE 691

THE 693 The Catechumenate in the RCIA

This course studies the development of the Christian initiation process by the Fathers of the Church, highlighting their methods and the content of their catechesis. The revised Rite of Christian Initiation is studied closely, highlighting its catechetical, liturgical, and pastoral components and the initiation into the Church of adults and children.



This course may be taken more than once on different topics.

THE 694 Catechetical Practice Today

This course studies the needs of the Church in the United States regarding current catechetical practice. Specifically, it covers family-based catechesis, Catholic schools, religious education, PSR, adult catechesis, catechesis for conversion, catechesis and culture, and alternative structures for catechesis. The theory and elements of each type of program are examined, and practice in the development of new programs for specific needs will be provided.



Students must have completed all other catechetics courses; may be concurrent with THE 692.