HCC 401 Catholicism and the Modern World

Examines how Catholicism and leading Catholic thinkers have addressed the philosophical, intellectual, social, and political trends, many of which have been markedly secular since the Enlightenment. Particular focus is given to the Catholic response to such leading modern thinkers as Descartes, Kant, and Marx and to such modern socio-political ideologies as Marxism, fascism, and socialism. The area of possible compatibility between modern philosophy and the Catholic worldview are explored. The struggle of the Church and her intellectual defenders to shape a Catholic culture in spite of modern secular trends and the very question of whether this is possible, are considered. Attention is also given to the Catholic response, by Pope John Paul II and others, to the thought and intellectual trends and political-social-cultural developments, such as the movement toward globalism, in the contemporary world. Christopher Dawson's interpretation of the development of the modern world will figure prominently in this examination. Required of all Humanities and Catholic Culture majors.




HCC Major or Permission of Instructor