School of Law Mission Statement


To establish a law school that will:

  • complement and strengthen the University’s existing programs, particularly those that relate to the arts and sciences, experiential education, technology and its application, international studies and programs, business, leadership, and public service
  • be a national leader in examining and addressing opportunities and problems in the legal profession and legal education through research, public service, and innovation
  • provide a distinctive program of legal education that will develop exceptionally-educated, well-motivated, technologically savvy, internationally aware, and effective lawyer-leaders for whom there will be a continuing need
  • help meet the national and regional demand for legal education in times of great demand, and compete successfully for excellent, well-motivated law students in times of diminished demand
  • be positioned qualitatively within the University as a synergistic center of excellence that helps generate resources of talent, energy, commitment, information, credibility, and capital that will assist Elon in implementing stable, continuous improvements to each and every one of the University’s integral components