Corrective Action


The University provides educational and training programs and victim resources  to prevent harassment and discrimination. The University may, after becoming aware of an alleged violation of this policy, take appropriate action to ensure safety and prevent retaliation. Such interim actions may include placing the accused on administrative leave, reassignment, or authorizing other types of temporary measures while an investigation is pending, including but not limited to “no contact” instructions.

Should it be determined that a violation of the University policy on discrimination or harassment has occurred, appropriate action will be taken and will reflect the severity of the incident and any past discrimination or harassment offenses. Possible actions will include, but are not limited to, written warning placed in the personnel file, reassignment of duties, suspension without pay, demotion, removal from a portion of assigned duties, appropriate professional training, and dismissal. The resolution of all claims, whether via the informal or formal procedures outlined below, must fulfill the University’s responsibilities to 1) prevent future discrimination and harassment, 2) prevent the creation of a hostile environment, and 3) ameliorate any negative effects of the discrimination or harassment in question. Determinations of responsibility or non-responsibility for harassment or discrimination will be made using the preponderance of evidence standard. Claims of sexual harassment that fall under Title IX  will be handled in accordance with the Title IX process and procedures under the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct and Gender-based Violence Policy. Claims of discrimination regarding disability, including failure to provide appropriate accommodations approved through published procedures, will be handled in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Acts. For additional information refer to Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Policy and  disabilities services policies and procedures .