Formation of a Continuance Appeal Hearing Board

  • The Chair of Academic Council will serve as the Chair of the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board unless he/she is not a teaching faculty member or he/she has participated in any way in the review process being appealed (this includes, but is not limited to, being in the same department as the member in question, writing a Unit III for the faculty member in question or contributing a letter of reference to that person’s file). In the event that either of these conditions applies to the Chair of Academic Council, Academic Council will elect a teaching faculty member of Council who has not participated in any way in the process being appealed to serve as Chair of the Hearing Board.
  • Upon receipt of the Notice of Appeal, the Chair of the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board will choose two tenure/promotion appeal representatives and one continued Senior Lecturer, continued Associate Professor or continued Full Professor to serve on this Hearing Board for the appeal, making certain that none of the three has participated in any way in the process being appealed (this includes, but is not limited to, being in the same department as the member in question, writing a Unit III for the faculty member in question, or contributing a letter of reference to that person’s file). Representatives will recuse themselves from the Hearing Board if they believe they have a conflict of interest.
  • The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will choose an academic Dean from the College of Arts and Sciences, the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, the School of Communications, the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education, or the School of Health Sciences to serve on the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board, provided that he/she is not the academic Dean of the grievant making the appeal and that he/she has not participated in any way in the process being appealed.
  • All five members of the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board have a vote, and decisions are made by simple majority.
  • Once the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board has been created, the members of that Board will serve until the President notifies them that a final decision has been rendered.