

The Evaluation Process


So that personnel decisions may be systematic and equitable, a process for evaluating teaching faculty has been developed. This system provides for the periodic collection of information regarding faculty performance based on the University Criteria for Evaluation of Teaching Faculty in the areas of teaching, contributions to the life of the University, and professional activity for the rank held, and for the subsequent review and evaluation of this information. On the basis of these materials, decisions concerning employment, retention, salary, tenure, and promotion are made. The process provides for multiple evaluations to give a broad and fair base of information for evaluation. It is not necessary that all evaluations be completed, but that the evaluation be comprehensive and substantive.

The Senior Faculty Review Committee


Some processes include evaluation by a Senior Faculty Review Committee. The following defines the membership and duties of that group:

  • “Senior faculty” are full-time teaching faculty who hold the rank of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, or Professor.
  • A committee will consist of a minimum of three senior faculty members (as defined above) from one’s department, when possible; appointed by the Dean, in consultation with the Chair.
  • Where there are an insufficient number of senior faculty members in a department, senior faculty from other departments will be appointed by the Dean, in consultation with the Chair.
  • A Chair may serve as a senior faculty member on the review committee of another department within a school/division. However, a Department Chair may not serve on her or his department’s review committee.
  • Appointments to the senior faculty review committee will be for one year on an as-needed basis.
  • Senior faculty review committees evaluate the teaching, service, and professional activity of candidates as is appropriate for renewal of their appointment. The committee prepares a written recommendation summarizing the conclusions of the committee and submits it to the Dean by January 30.