
Each academic department will administer reassigned course time proportional to the number of its full time, probationary faculty. Only probationary faculty are eligible to receive departmental reassigned times. Probationary in this context includes all tenure-track faculty who have yet to stand for tenure, and all continuing- and lecture-track faculty with six or fewer years in rank, unless both successfully continued and promoted in rank prior to their seventh year. Reassignments will be given for teaching activities that are not counted as part of the course load, for service (contributions to the life of the University), and for professional activity/scholarship. Examples of these activities are described in the Criteria for Evaluation of Teaching Faculty. To request reassignment, members of the faculty must submit reassigned-time proposal forms to their Department Chairs by the fall deadline for all requests for University releases, the third Friday of September. Department Chairs will recommend appropriate requests for approval by the Deans. Department Chairs will list faculty granted reassigned times by their departments in their annual reports and explain, collectively, how faculty within the department have used reassigned times. Faculty who receive departmental reassigned time course releases are eligible to receive FR&D reassigned course releases during the same academic year, provided the multiple releases meet the criteria for Minimum Teaching Expectation found in this Handbook.