In this course, teacher candidates become familiar with the theory and research base on effective instructional techniques for children with exceptional learning needs. They learn how to apply specific methods that involve explicit, systematic and intensive instruction to help children with learning difficulties acquire foundational skills in reading and language arts. Candidates learn to use curriculum-based assessment as a basis for planning, monitoring and modifying instruction.
EDU 4040 and Admission to the Teacher Education Program
Course Outcomes
- Learning how to:
prevent reading difficulties
use research to determine effective reading instruction for students with disabilities
plan and carry out explicit, systematic, and intensive reading instruction for students with learning difficulties
conduct informal assessment of reading skills in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension
write goals and objectives for reading skills based on data
monitor reading progress
support transfer of reading skills to the general education classroom and other environments
develop partnerships with families to support reading growth