Posters, Digital Signage, and Publicity

All flyers, posters, signs (including digital signage), or chalking placed on campus must adhere to the guidelines below. 


Posting on campus for private business or commercial activities, as well as fund-raising, merchandizing, solicitation or advertising on behalf of non-university organizations is strictly prohibited.  (See the policies on “Solicitation, Fundraising, Merchandising” for more detailed information.)


Flyers, posters or signs:


  • An Elon student, student organization, faculty or staff member must sponsor all postings, including digital signage.


  • The name of the contact person/organization/department must appear on each item.


  • All items posted must include a contact telephone number and/or email address along with the date of posting.


  • Postings must abide by the Code of Conduct, the University’s non-discrimination policies, and all policies in the Student Handbook.


  • Flyers may only be posted on designated bulletin boards.



Flyers may NOT be posted on walls, windows, or exterior doors. In most situations, this is due to Fire Code or ADA requirements. (For more information on bulletin board locations, see “On Campus Advertising”.)


  • Advertising may not include the mention or representation of drugs or alcoholic beverages. Examples include, but are not limited to, mention of happy hour, BYOB, drawings of kegs, beer mugs, liquor, etc.



  • Groups wishing to utilize digital signs can consult the Digital Signs section of the Technology website for submission guidelines.



  • Off-campus businesses or events can not advertise on bulletin boards or digital signs. Any off-campus business must advertise in the Pendulum.



  • Postings should be displayed until the day after an event and/or for no longer than two weeks (e.g. notices for new classes, etc.)


  • Those responsible for posting flyers should also remove them within 24 hours of the event or within the two week period for other postings.


  • Groups wishing to utilize in ground signs must receive approval from the associate director of physical plant/director of landscaping and grounds at (336) 278-5500. 



  • If University policies are violated, the Director of the Moseley Center (or designee) may remove the posting and forward information to Student Conduct if appropriate. Repeat offenses may, at the minimum, result in a student or organization’s loss of posting privileges.




  • An Elon student, student organization, faculty or staff member wishing to chalk sidewalks must register the activity with the Director of Campus Center Operations.


  • Forms are available at the Moseley front desk and require the name of the contact person/organization/department, a contact telephone number and/or email address, and the information or sayings that will be chalked.


  • Chalking is only allowed on concrete sidewalks where rain can wash off the chalk.  Chalking is not allowed in other places (stairs, walls, on bricks, under colonnades, etc.) as these require additional cleaning to remove.  Liquid chalk is strictly prohibited as it also requires significant work to remove.


  • Postings must abide by the Code of Conduct, the University’s non-discrimination policies, and all policies in the Student Handbook.


  • If University policies are violated, the Director of the Moseley Center (or designee) may remove the chalking and forward information to Student Conduct if appropriate.  Repeat offenses may, at the minimum, result in a student or organization’s loss of privileges.


  • The individual or group responsible for chalking must clean all areas within 24 hours after the event.


For more information on advertising events on campus, visit “On Campus Advertising”. 

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