

Teaching faculty members are urged to associate themselves with at least one professional organization or learned society and to become active in its programs. The University will help defray expenses incurred by faculty members in attending such meetings.

Well in advance of the meeting, the faculty member should notify the Department Chair of plans, clearly indicating arrangements for the conducting of classes during the absence. If these arrangements are approved, they will be sent in writing to the Dean for final clearance. Forms for reporting expenses should be obtained from the Dean’s office or the Chair’s office before the meeting, and expense forms should be returned as soon as possible after the meeting to that office. A brief written report of the meeting should also be submitted to the Dean through the Department Chair.

Each full-time teaching faculty member is budgeted for travel to professional meetings as a part of the University’s interest in faculty development and professionalism. The budgeted amount is to cover actual traveling and living expenses. The faculty member will be expected to cover costs exceeding the budgeted amount. The budget allocation can be applied to total cost without distinction regarding attendance, reading a paper, or serving in an official capacity.

Unused funds may be carried over one year to enable a faculty member to attend more meetings or more distant meetings. There is no carryover beyond the second year. A faculty member may not transfer unused travel funds to another faculty member.