Step Four – Administrative Intervention

  1. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at step three, or if no decision has been rendered within 14 calendar days of the Dean’s receipt of the grievance, the grievant may request that the Provost/Executive Vice President begin processing the grievance at step four.
  2. The Provost/Executive Vice President, with the support of the Director of Human Resources, will arrange for a hearing to be conducted by a three-member committee of employees including:
    • One member selected by the grievant
    • One member selected by the Provost/Executive Vice President
    • One current member of Academic Council selected by both the grievant and the Provost/Executive Vice President

If the first two members are unable to agree on the selection of a third member, they will alternately eliminate names from Academic Council until they reach the last name, at which time that person will become the third committee member. First elimination is to be determined by the toss of a coin.

  1. The committee selected above will select a Chair from among its members by majority vote. If no member receives a majority, the member chosen from Academic Council will be Chair. The Chair, with support provided from the Director of Human Resources, will be responsible for determining how the facts relative to the grievance will be investigated. The Chair will also determine whether a formal hearing is required. If such a hearing is held, the grievant may be accompanied and represented at the hearing by a University employee of his or her choosing. Only University employees may represent a grievant in a grievance hearing. Reasonable provision will be made for other employees to appear as witnesses.
  2. The investigation by the three-member committee should normally be completed within one month of its formation. Within 21 calendar days of the completion of the investigation, the recommendation of a majority of the committee, along with their findings of fact, will be submitted to the President.
  3. The President, after reviewing the findings and recommendations and any other evidence considered relevant, will make a final decision which will then be communicated to the grievant.