Issue Coverage


Grievable Issues

  • Disciplinary actions, including written warnings placed in the employee's file, suspensions, and dismissal, where the employee questions the appropriateness of the stated actions except hearings conducted by Academic Council under Faculty Bylaws I-5, Article VI.
  • Alleged violation, misinterpretation, or inequitable application of the University policy affecting the employee
  • Alleged violation of the professional boundaries policy. (Note: Students who wish to issue a complaint of the professional boundaries policy against a faculty or staff member should use the process identified in the Student Handbook for addressing such violations.)

Non-Grievable Issues

  • Issues heard by Academic Council under Faculty Bylaws (I-5, Article VI, Section 3)
  • Issues heard by the Tenure/Promotion Appeal Hearing Board and the Continuance Appeal Hearing Board.
  • Determinations of responsibility for discrimination and harassment based on membership in protected categories in Elon’s non-discrimination statement and any sanctions resulting from such determinations
  • Termination related to: reduction in force or expiration of grants, failure to receive tenure, failure to receive a continuing contract, and expiration of employment contracts
  • The content of published personnel policies and procedure