Information for the Faculty Research and Development Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is concerned with evaluating and recommending action on teaching faculty development activities, including proposals for research and advanced study, sabbatical leaves, and doctoral programs. The committee also oversees annual selection of the Elon Distinguished Scholar.

Policies and Procedures

  • The Chair is elected each May by the committee. The Chair assumes duties about June 1 and serves for one year.
  • Faculty members will be ineligible for funding from this committee during the terms of their service on the committee.
  • Committee meetings are scheduled by the Chair once a month at a time convenient to committee members, unless committee business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The Chair informs members of meetings at least one week in advance and provides a written agenda and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • The Chair presides at all meetings unless he/she appoints a proxy in his/her absence.
  • The Chair appoints another committee member to record the minutes of each meeting.
  • All decisions on committee business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum consists of a majority of the committee membership.
  • The Chair reports the committee’s decisions for sabbatical and other funding promptly to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, who then notifies the faculty members, department chairs and the academic council as necessary.
  • The Chair is responsible for completing all reports of committee business and submitting them to the Provost/Executive Vice President at the end of each academic year as necessary.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The committee chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.