Academic Appeals Committee


Membership List Y34U.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Academic Appeals Committee is concerned with hearing appeals of academic cases heard by the Elon Hearing Board.


  • Provost/Executive Vice President, or designee, who serves as chair
  • Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, or designee
  • Six members of the faculty, appointed annually by the Provost/Executive Vice President, or designee
  • President of Student Government Association or another member of the executive officers, only one serving at a time

Policies and Procedures

  1. The committee meets at the beginning of the year for the purpose of orientation.
  2. The committee considers all appeals of academic cases heard by the Elon Hearing Board or administrative hearing officer upon the request of the student in question. When it does so it may review the case.
  3. Following review, the committee may:
    • Uphold the original decision
    • Uphold the original decision but reduce the penalty, or
    • Exonerate the student in question
  1. The action of the committee may be reviewed by the President of the University.


  • To recommend to the President standards for satisfactory academic performance by students of the University
  • To give academic warning to, place on probation, or recommend suspension of students whose work fails to meet these standards
  • To establish an appeals procedure for students contesting decisions at lower levels in the hearing process
  • To establish procedures for the readmission of suspended students
  • To review operation of the grading system and to propose changes that will provide for academic quality
  • To meet at least annually with the admissions committee for the purpose of considering academic standards
  • To publish periodic reports of its work to the campus community