Music Licensure Only
Required Courses
MUS 103 | Aural Skills I | 1 |
MUS 104 | Aural Skills II | 1 |
MUS 203 | Aural Skills III | 1 |
MUS 204 | Aural Skills IV | 1 |
MUS 108 | Music Theory I: Introduction to Functional Harmony | 2 |
MUS 109 | Music Theory II: Diatonic Harmony | 2 |
| Piano Classes or Proficiency | 4 |
MUS 123 | Voice Class | 1 |
MUS 126 | Voice Diction | 1 |
MUS 212 | The African American in Music | 2 |
MUS 208 | Music Theory III: Chromatic Harmony | 2 |
MUS 209 | Music Theory IV: Chromatic and Post-Tonal Music | 2 |
MUS 231 | String Class | 1 |
MUS Ensemble | (Small or Large) | 1 |
MUS 305 | Music History I - Early through Classical | 3 |
MUS 306 | Music History II - Classical to Contemporary | 3 |
MUS 307 | A Study of Non-Western Music | 1 |
MUS 309 | Form and Analysis | 3 |
MUS 312 | Orchestration | 2 |
MUS 338 | Conducting | 1 |
MUS 345 | Brass Class | 1 |
MUS 346 | Woodwind Class | 1 |
MUS 347 | Percussion Class | 1 |
| Applied Music | 14 |
MUS 400 | Senior Recital/Project | 1 |
MUS 447 | Choral Techniques and Conducting | 1 |
| OR | |
MUS 446 | Instrumental Techniques and Conducting | 1 |
| Piano Classes (Piano Majors Only) | 1 |
MUS Piano Classes or Proficiency: Students will be required to pass piano proficiency or take the piano class sequence consisting of four courses: MUS 110-MUS 113. Applied Piano may substitute for Class Piano.
MUS 123: Instrumental Only
MUS 126: Vocal Only
Piano Classes (Piano Majors Only): Piano Pedagogy, Piano Accompanying or Piano Literature may be selected.
Education Requirements 30 hours
EDUC 210 | Professional Studies I: Introduction to Education | 3 |
EDUC 310 | Professional Studies II: Special Education & Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDUC 350 | Teaching Intermediate & Content Reading | 3 |
EDUC 360 | Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
EDUC 426 | Music Methods in the Elementary School | 2 |
EDUC 427 | Music Methods in the Secondary School | 2 |
EDUC 443 | Observation and Supervised Teaching in Music | 12 |
EDUC 478 | Seminar in Contemporary Educational Issues | P/F |
Specific Information
The Department Chair and/or music education coordinator will review prospective licensure-only students' transcripts. In addition, students will be required to complete a department assessment before being admitted into the Music Licensure-Only program. Based on the assessment, students will be advised to take specific courses as specified by program content need.
Twenty-four credit hours are required in the music content area. However, additional courses may be required pending the assessment of skills and content knowledge needed for teaching music. The Senior Recital is a requirement established by the music education licensure program. With the written approval of the applied teacher, applied lessons may be reduced with the completion of the Senior Recital.
Thirty education credit hours will be required for the professional education sequence of courses.
The Chair and/or music education coordinator may revise the music education licensure curriculum if deemed necessary by accreditation requirements and/or the Department of Education, Psychology and Health.