DMC Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
Regarding the DMC SAP Policy, please be advised that the standards described apply to all financial aid programs unless the terms of a program indicate otherwise.
Federal/State Regulations require students to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress at the time they receive financial assistance. All financial aid recipients must be enrolled in a program of study leading to an associate degree or a certificate program. All course work attempted at Del Mar College will be evaluated, regardless of whether the student previously received assistance. All transfer course work, accepted for credit towards your program at Del Mar College, will be counted towards the maximum time frame.
A student’s academic progress is evaluated after each long semester and at the end of the summer session. The evaluation includes all coursework attempted for the semester/sessions (withdrawals, incompletes and repeated grades/marks will be included in determining the total number of hours for which the student enrolled). It also includes all periods of the student’s enrollment, even those for which the student did not receive financial aid. (Rapid Track semesters, mini-semesters and Maymesters will be included in the semester in which they began).
The Progress Standards required are as follows:
- Must successfully pass the number of hours/credits stated below:
- Students enrolled for a full-time course load (12 hours or more) will be required to pass a minimum of nine (9) semesters hours of the courses enrolled
- Students enrolled for three-quarter time (9 to 11 hours) will be required to pass a minimum of six (6) semesters hours of the courses enrolled
- Students enrolled for half-time (6 to 8 hours) will be required to pass six (6) hours of the courses enrolled
- Students who enroll for less than six (6) hours must complete all hours attempted
- Must have a 2.0 or better GPA on the minimum numbers of hours required to pass.
- Must maintain an overall 2.0 GPA at the end of the fourth semester, including Summer Terms.
- Must complete a certificate/degree program within the maximum time frame of 150% of the published length of the educational program your current major. For example, if a student is pursuing a program (certificate/associate degree) requiring 64 credit hours, no financial consideration would be available after completing 96 credit hours, even if the student has not yet earned the certificate/associate degree and meets all other satisfactory academic progress standards (64 credit hours multiplied by 150% equates to a maximum allowance of 96 credit hours).
Students who meet the above requirements are considered to be in good standing for financial aid purposes. Successful passing means a student has received a minimum grade of D. Grades of F (Failure), I (Incomplete), W (Withdrawal) are not considered passing courses.
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