ENGR 2406 Intro to Digital Systems

Course Information

Course Description

Introduction to theory and design of digital logic, circuits, and systems. Number systems, operations and codes; logic gates; Boolean Algebra and logic simplification; Karnaugh maps; combinational logic; functions of combinational logic; flip-flops and related devices; counters; shift registers; sequential logic; memory and storage. Basic laboratory experiments supporting theoretical principles involving design, construction, and analysis of combinational and sequential digital circuits and systems, including logic gates, adders, multiplexers, encoders, decoders, arithmetic logic units, latches, flip-flops, registers, and counters; preparation of laboratory reports. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 and a computer programming course such as COSC 1309 or COSC 1436 or ENGR 2304.


Prerequisites: MATH 1314, COSC 1309, COSC 1436 or ENGR 2304. Must have level 3 in Reading and Math. Must have level 2 in English.

Credits (SCH)