2020-2021 Catalog

Inclusive Excellence

You matter. You are valued. You belong. CCA is a community that is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion through Inclusive Excellence. We can only achieve this together.  CCA embraces Inclusive Excellence because we want our students, staff, instructors and faculty to learn and contribute within an inclusive environment. This means members of our College community will be active, respectful, and mindful of equity, diversity, and inclusion at all levels of engagement. Inclusive Excellence will provide a foundation for student and institutional success. Recognizing our diversity is only the first step toward Inclusive Excellence. We must also be intentional in valuing cultural differences and experiences, while incorporating them into practices, curricula, and policies.

The CCA community will be transformed through the following actions:

  • Create an Inclusive Excellence plan
  • Incorporate evidence-based and inclusive teaching strategies and curriculain the classroom
  • Provide high quality, inclusive, and responsive programming and services outside the classroom
  • Assess and evaluate the practices, policies, and outcomes of the College for inclusiveness
  • Provide intentional faculty and staff professional development that focuses on the implementation of Inclusive Excellence
  • Communicate support and direction for Inclusive Excellence through institutional leaders
  • Identify, prioritize, and allocate resources that support Inclusive Excellence
  • Foster a climate for open dialogue
  • Facilitate Opportunities for cross-cultural interaction

Sonder is a five-part developmental series for CCA Student Employees that facilitates the learning of theoretical concepts surrounding Inclusive Excellence and reflects practical applications within personal lives, academic pursuits, and supporting the Student Employee's department. If you would like to be added to a future Sonder cohort, or have any questions, please contact Mike Roderique, Inclusive Excellence Training Coordinator, at michael.roderique@ccaurora.edu or 303-360-4743. For more information about Sonder please visit this link https://www.ccaurora.edu/about-cca/inclusive-excellence/ie-cca-students.

To learn more about how to get involved in Inclusive Excellence please visit this website https://www.ccaurora.edu/about-cca/inclusiveexcellence/council-meetings-leadership-team